Medical - General American (GenAm) English

Profile photo for Richard Canal
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0:00 Friendly health app advertisement
0:16 Caring public service announcement (PSA)
0:34 Professional elearning medical course
0:59 Straightforward pharmaceutical video
1:13 Inspirational medical corporate ad
1:38 Serious health hazard warning public service announcement (PSA)

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
motives is a health technology that enables employers to find rate and reward doctors who serve in both the patients and the employer's best interests. Motives. Physicians are trusted because they're rewarded for following the best standard of care while improving the function and satisfaction of their patients. You or someone you may know may have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. This video will help you understand what it is, why it's important to keep it under control and how to manage it. With the right medication therapy and treatment, you can thrive regardless of the disorder. The bones of the human body are divided into two groups. The appendix color skeleton and the axial skeleton. We're going to focus on the axial skeleton, which includes the bones of the head vertebral column, thorax and trunk Understanding. The structure of the vertebral column is important for your understanding of actual spagnolo arthritis, also referred to as Expo. So we'll start there, Click or tap the Spinal column to continue. Idiopathic hyper Eosinophilic syndrome is one of a group of intrinsic pulmonary eosinophilic syndromes that are idiopathic in nature. Aggressive therapies include as a thigh prin, hydroxyurea, then Christine or interfere on Alpha connection. It's the core of compassion and communication. So imagine if you could advance connections and expand them to the heart of health care. We are the new Hill rum, uniting the most trusted brands with one simple goal. Enhancing outcomes for patients and caregivers. Because everywhere there is care, we are there. Symptoms of norovirus include stomach pain, diarrhea, low grade fever, muscle pain and vomiting. If you think you have symptoms of norovirus, you must immediately isolate yourself and everyone in your household at home.