Grumpy Gary Explainer

Video Narration


Grumpy Gary Explainer by R. John

This clip can best be described as: droll , flat , snarky , sarcastic , monotone , low pitch , monotonous , low key , gravelly , deep , grizzled , rugged , masculine

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is grumpy Gary. He's awfully contrary. His joints ache and his muscles quake. His body is sore and he stoops to the floor. He scowls at Susie Sunshine as she breezes through the front line. How is she so happy and always working so snappy? He watches as she grabs a box and lifts it close to home. She uses a dolly and still looks so jolly. The clouds begin to part as Gary grabs the right cart. He starts close, testing the weight, then stays close and ends close and, to his surprise, feels great. He lifts and loads all shift long, and at the end of the day, he still feeling strong. With the right equipment and proper form, Gerry's muscles and mood are pleasantly warm. Mm.