Hire Professional Voice Actors

Looking for award‑worthy voice over? Hire a trusted voice actor quickly and easily, keeping your creative project on budget, on time, and stress‑free. Find voice talent with the right language, style, or accent to bring your projects to life.

A smiling voice actress wearing headphones and standing beside a microphone.

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Explore The Marketplace

Top Voices for Online Ads

Real Person - Energy, Conversational, Friendly, Direct, Positive
Online Ad • English • Young Adult (18-35) • North American (General) • North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) • North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota) • Female • Announcer • Host/Interviewer • Spokesperson • Millennial • Real Person • Believable • Caring • Conversational • Friendly • Genuine • Holiday • Professional • Proud • Warm • Relatable •
Nursing Home Ad - Mom - Engaging - Sincere - Warm
Online Ad • English • Young Adult (18-35) • North American (General) • North American (US General American - GenAM) • North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) • Female • Homemaker • Narrator • Soccer Mom • Spokesperson • Real Person • Authentic • Believable • Comforting • Conversational • Engaging • Sincere • Warm •
March 2023 Commercial Demo, General American English, Upbeat, Bright
Online Ad • English • Young Adult (18-35) • North American (General) • North American (US Mid-Atlantic) • North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) • Female • Everyman • Girl Next Door • Spokesperson • Millennial • Real Person • Authentic • Believable • Bubbly • Confident • Conversational • Sincere • Upbeat • Relatable • Approachable • Personable •

Top Voices for Video Narration

Microsoft Awards Show - British
Video Narration • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • British (General) • British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) • British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) • British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) • Female • Announcer • Host/Interviewer • Motivational Speaker • Spokesperson • Business Woman • Articulate • Authentic • Believable • Calming • Conversational • Engaging • Inspirational • Uplifting • Warm • Approachable •
The Surfer
Video Narration • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • North American (General) • North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota) • North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) • Male • Family Man • Father • Husband • Professor • Upper Class • Articulate • Authentic • Calming • Caring • Endearing • Engaging • Inspirational • Mature • Sincere • Trustworthy •
Showreel reel
Video Narration • Arabic • Senior (55+) • Arabic (General) • Egyptian • Male • Action Star • Announcer • Newscaster • Aggressive • Athletic • Classy • Comforting • Deep • Professional • Radio • Strong • Warm •

Top Voices for Animation

Dick Terhune VO Character Demo
Animation • English • Male •
Jas Patrick - British Aristocrat - Old Soldier Arrogant Senior Clueless
Animation • English • Senior (55+) • British (General) • British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) • British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) • Male • Aristocrat • Professor • Snob • Soldier • Upper Class • Aged • Authoritative • Bossy • Cartoon • Classy • Eccentric • Egotistical • Enthusiastic • Royal • Luxurious •
Animation Demo Reel - Villains - Demon - Evil - Monster
Animation • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • British (General) • British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) • British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) • British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) • Male • Alien • Characters • Mobster • Monster • Storyteller • Brooding • Creepy • Dangerous • Demonic • Evil • Ominous • Scary • Tough • Villainous •

Top Voices for Elearning

Scott William - Caring, Comforting, Endearing, Softspoken, Trustworthy
Elearning • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • North American (General) • North American (US General American - GenAM) • North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) • Male • Announcer • Father • Generation X • Narrator • Teacher • Caring • Comforting • Endearing • Passive • Slow Paced • Softspoken • Straightforward • Sweet • Thoughtful • Warm •
Jas Patrick - ZYTIGA® Educational Explainer & Interactive Digital Magazine on Prostate Cancer
Elearning • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • North American (General) • North American (US General American - GenAM) • North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) • North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) • Male • Doctor • Executive • Scientist • Spokesperson • Teacher • Articulate • Educational • Informative • Inspirational • Intellectual • Knowledgeable • Medical • Professional • Technical • Trustworthy •
Bilingual - South American Spanish/American English E-Learning
Elearning • Spanish • Middle Aged (35-54) • Spanish (Central American) • Spanish (Latino) • Spanish (General) • Spanish (Latin American - General) • Female • Executive • Narrator • Teacher • Instructor • Demonstrator • Articulate • Believable • Bilingual • Conversational • Corporate • Educational • Enthusiastic • Friendly • Informative • Professional •

Top Voices for Radio Ads

Swanson family style
Radio Ad • Arabic • Middle Aged (35-54) • Egyptian • Male • Narrator • Attractive • Engaging • Friendly • Narrator • Youthful • Cool •
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Radio Ad • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • North American (General) • US African American • Female • Authentic • Confident • Informative • Natural • Relatable •
Zack Taylor Hard Sell Demo
Radio Ad • English • Middle Aged (35-54) • North American (General) • Male • Announcer • Sportscaster • Trucker • Business Man • Athletic • Authoritative • Bold • Hard Sell • High Energy • Persuasive • Reassuring • Upbeat • Intelligent •

Top Packages for Video Narration

Professional, Warm Female Voice For Corporate Narration
Video Narration
From $25000
A Professional and Clean Narration for Your Video
Video Narration
From $12500
Corporate Internal - Professional, Warm Female Voice
Video Narration
From $22500

Top Packages for Animation

Browse by Other Characteristics: